
Libera di Essere

giovedì 9 giugno 2011


Questa è la mia prima volta, ho deciso di fare una denuncia su tutto il territorio internazionale per portare in evidenza ciò che accade in Uganda. Grazie a degli amici che mi hanno aiutata a tradurla e inviarla.
Grazie a Roberto Malini, Marilina Castoglioni.

Se siete anche voi d'accordo firmate questo documento, e fate in modo che questo straordinario popolo ritrovi la sua libertà e dignità!

Questo è solo un esempio di come non sia possibile manifestare contro il governo.i

Milan (Italy); June 9, 2011

EveryOne Group - Facebook Group "L'Uganda è sveglia - Uganda Awakening" - Associazione Sherazade - Sindacato Europeo dei Lavoratori - Gruppo Watching The Sky - Collettivo Antidiscriminazioni

Uganda: it is time the international community took note of serious institutional abuses and took action against the dictator, Museveni, in order to protect innocent people.


- The Secretary-General of the United Nation
- THE UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
- The UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Opinion and Expression
- The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights
- The European Commission
- The members of European Parliament
- The President of African Union


The recent peaceful demonstrations that took place in Uganda, from Entebbe to Kampala and Jinja, have resulted in the umpteenth violent repression by President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. Unjustified arrests were carried out, such as those of journalists Michael Kakumirizi (Red Pepper) and Timothy Kalyegira (Daily Monitor) who had already been beaten, and who were later released on bail. Or the arrest of an opponent of the government, Dr Kizza Besigye, who was beaten and then sprayed with pepper spray, sufficient enough to temporarily blind him.

Civilian protesters were killed in the repression: men, women and children, without distinction, and simply because they were protesting against rising food prices and fuel surcharges. Museveni’s government has been carrying out these atrocities in Uganda for 25 years, without anyone intervening.

Uganda is remembered in the international news only when there is the suspicion of an Ebola outbreak, or the hideous law against homosexuals (whose approval was recently averted thanks to international action), but we forget the cases of torture, extrajudicial killings, unjustified arrests, and reprisals in people’s home, when money and valuables are stolen.

For 25 years the dictator, President Museveni, has been carrying out his atrocities in the silence of the international community, which is well aware of the fact that they have no interests in Uganda, either strategically or economically. Musenevi's regime is guilty of harassment and torture against prisoners, even if these crimes are forbidden by the Ugandan Constitution. However, torture in Uganda is a sad reality. In addition to the excruciating torture they are subjected to, women are also raped - and no one is protesting or doing anything to prevent it.

The UK monitors the work of the Ugandan Government only where the funds earmarked for aid are concerned, money that vanishes into thin air and is not used for improving health, water supplies, homes, schools, and fighting poverty.

On May 12th, 2011, a large peaceful demonstration took place in Kamala. The military, however, made many arrests in what turned into a violent repression. But nobody is talking about it, why?

It is time the international community took note of this brutality and took action against the dictator, Museveni, in order to protect innocent people.

We are sending details, with written and photographic evidence, places and manner in which the repression took place to the international authorities mentioned above.

Thanking you for your attention, we take the opportunity to send you our best regards,

Roberto Malini, Matteo Pegoraro, Dario Picciau, Glenys Robinson - EveryOne Group
Morena La Rosa, Tekeste Tzeggai Correri - Facebook Group "L'Uganda è sveglia - Uganda Awakening"
Marilina Lucia Castiglioni - Associazione Sherazade
Giuseppe Criseo - Sindacato Europeo dei Lavoratori
Alfred Breitman, Gruppo Watching The Sky
Collettivo Antidiscriminazioni...

Contact: EveryOne Group
+39 393 4010237 :: +39 3343449180 :: +39 331 3585406 ::

Anyone wishing to send this complaint to the competent authorities,here are the e-mail.

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